"IntellectualArchive" scientific journal
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How to submit an article to the "Intellectual Archive" multidisciplinary journal

The "Intellectual Archive" multidisciplinary journal was founded in Canada in 2012 and publishes scientific articles on
  • Natural science (astronomy, physics, mathematics, chemistry, biology, etc.),
  • Social science (economics, education, history, law, linguistics, psychology, etc.)
  • Humanities (philosophy, religion, history of languages, visual/performing arts, etc.)
The "Intellectual Archive" is distributed to major libraries across Canada and the United States, including Library of Congress, USA, Library and Archives Canada, and others.
Publications in "Intellectual Archive" multidisciplinary journal are also available at Google Scholar, Arxiv.org, WorldCat.org, CrossRef.org and many other.

Our publishing activities are governed by the 'Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement', which you can view HERE.

Please note, we do NOT require exclusive copyright transfer. You are free to submit your work to any other online or offline publisher.

Certificate of online publication
We can also print the Certificate of online publication and mail it to your postal address. Our certificate can be very useful for you in case of any copyright disputes or as printed confirmation of your publications. Please see item 11 below for details.

  Here is an example of the Certificate of online publication. Click the image to enlarge it. "Printed Certificate" Printed Certificate

Below are the links to the issues published in 2016-2024.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January/February January/February January/February January/March January/March January/March January/March January/March January/March
March/April March/April March/April Vol.8, #1. Special Issue
May/June May/June May/June April/June April/June April/June April/June April/June April/June
July/August July/August July/August July/September July/September July/September July/September July/September
September/October September/October September/October October/December October/December October/December October/December October/December
November/December November/December November/December

We are currently accepting articles for publication in the July/September 2024 issue of "Intellectual Archive" journal. The deadline for the submission your article in the "Intellectual Archive" journal is September 30, 2024.

The publication of full-text articles is offered at only $29.99 for papers up to 5 pages in length. We accept .docx, .doc, .pdf and .txt formats. Here are the Manuscript Guidelines for the layout of your article.

1. To submit your article for publication - please select the branch and area corresponding to your article.



2. You may also choose the appropriate Subject from the drop-down list below (optional).


3. Specify the Author and Title of your article

4. Enter the Abstract text (no more than 2000 characters).

0 symbols

5. Upload the file with the article you want to publish in the journal. Your file must be no larger than 7 MB. We accept .pdf, .docx, .doc and .txt formats.

6. All personal details (with the exception of your e-mail address) are optional.
First name Last Name
Apt./ Unit #
Street # Street Name
City Name State/Province Postal / ZIP code
Country Telephone #
E-mail address*

7. Check the box below to indicate that you have read and agreed to the Rules, Conditions, and Privacy Policy (mandatory)*

8. Please verify that layout of your paper follows to the Manuscript Guidelines

9. To make sure we're dealing with humans (and not spamming bots), enter the following numbers in the box below (no spaces).

10. Attention. We have placed the PayPal button below. However, please do not pay any fees until we have confirmed acceptance of your article. Just ignore this button when submitting your article. Pay your publication fee only after you receive an acceptance letter. The publication fee depends on the size of your article. Printing and distribution of the journal is offered at a cost of $6 per page, 5 pages minimum.

Attention authors. Please let us know if you would like to order your own copy of the printed journal. It costs $50 plus shipping according to www.CanadaPost.ca. Remember, you also have the free option to print a copy of the journal yourself. After publication, the .pdf version of the journal will be available for free download. This allows you to download a .pdf file to your computer and print it yourself or at a print shop in your city instantly and without any postage.

* If you don't have a PayPal account, you can still pay by credit or debit card as a PayPal guest or use "MoneyGram" or "Western Union" services. Please contact us for more information.

Select the length of your article
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11. To order a printed Certificate of online publication to be sent to your postal address, click the PayPal button below.
This paper certificate will be printed, signed and stamped by us and will contain your name, the title of your work, the publication date and a download link. Our certificate can be very useful for you in case of any copyright disputes or as a hard copy of your scientific publications.

  Here is an example of the Certificate of online publication. Click the image to enlarge it. "Printed Certificate" Printed Certificate

Quantity of printed Certificates
PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!

12. And finally,

© Shiny World Corp., 2011-2024. All rights reserved. To reach us please send an e-mail to support@IntellectualArchive.com