Mariano Cadoni, Paolo Pani. Holography of charged dilatonic black branes at finite temperature

Natural Sciences / Physics / Particle physics

Submitted on: Sep 15, 2012, 18:07:17

Description: We investigate bulk and holographic features of finite-temperature black brane solutions of 4D anti-de Sitter Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton-gravity (EMDG). We construct, numerically, black branes endowed with non trivial scalar hairs for broad classes of EMDG. We consider both exponential and power-law forms for the coupling functions, as well as several charge configurations: purely electric, purely magnetic and dyonic solutions. At finite temperature the field theory holographically dual to these black brane solutions has a rich and interesting phenomenology reminiscent of electron motion in metals: phase transitions triggered by nonvanishing VEV of scalar operators, non-monotonic behavior of the electric conductivities as function of the frequency and of the temperature, Hall effect and sharp synchrotron resonances of the conductivity in presence of a magnetic field. *** Journal reference: "JHEP 1104:049,2011", ***

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