Hyoyoung Choi. The Change of Gravitational Potential Energy and Dark Energy in the Zero Energy Universe

Natural Sciences / Astronomy / Cosmology

Submitted on: Mar 28, 2012, 20:48:12

Description: Gravity is the force conquering the structure of the universe. By recognizing the components of the universe, we are estimating the quantity of components composing the universe through size of gravity and gravitational potential energy (GPE). In this paper, it is being shown that the universe can be born and expanded through pair creation of positive energy (mass) and negative energy (mass) from zero energy condition. 4.6% of negative energy is the energy which is inevitably required from zero energy, which is the most natural total energy value in the universe. This discovery implies that our belief that size of gravitational effect and size of components of the universe would always 1:1 correspond was wrong. We set up each model from the birth of universe to the present, and calculated GPE using computer simulation in each level.

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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