Yu.N. Klimov. Comparative quantitative lexicology A.s. Pushkin's poems "the Copper horseman" and "the Fairy tale on dead tsarevna and on seven bogatyrs"

Literature / Internet articles / Analysis of literature

Submitted on: May 07, 2015, 02:45:33

Description: Abstracts: Are investigated 28 quantitative characteristics. A.S. Pushkin's poems "The Copper horseman" and "The Fairy tale on dead tsarevna". The natural logarithm of cumulative word form (WF) as cumulative word usage (WU) at frequency unit identical sizes have the natural logarithm. Waviness of dynamics of number of WF, WU in the text and waviness of dynamics of shares WU (%) and WF (%) in the text for A.S. Pushkin's poems "The Copper horseman" and "The Fairy tale on dead tsarevna" is marked. Dependence of the natural logarithm of cumulative number grapheme (Gr) in A.S. Pushkin's poems "The Copper horseman" and "The Fairy tale on dead tsarevna" from their sequence are described by polynoms of the second degree, the sedate, logarithmic equations and a polynom of the third degree, differing in sizes relative exponential speeds and relative speed of natural logarithms cumulative Gr. Similarity and distinction of distribution of natural logarithms of cumulative graphemes from their sequence, since the greatest size, in three non-uniform zones is shown, and ratio cumulative Gr in three zones of a poem of A.S. Pushkin "The Copper horseman" has made 1:0,5787:0,0311 and A.S. Pushkin's poems "The Fairy tale on dead tsarevna" has made 1:0,6794:0,0489. It is shown, that two points of crossing of the linear equation and a polynom of the third degree of natural logarithms cumulative Gr A.S. Pushkin's poems "The Copper horseman" and "The Fairy tale on dead tsarevna" corresponded cumulative Gr Л and, Т and, that specifies similarity and distinction of the investigated poems. Natural logarithms cumulative word length (WL) and frequency words (FW), since the greatest size, from their sequence in a poem of A.S. Pushkin "The Copper horseman" also are described by polynoms of the second and third degree, the sedate and logarithmic equations, and "The Fairy tale on dead tsarevna" - polynoms of the third degree, the sedate and logarithmic equations. Similarity and distinction rel...

The Library of Congress (USA) reference page : http://lccn.loc.gov/cn2013300046.

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